She Left Me, Do I Dare Follow? Poem by Unknown Territory

She Left Me, Do I Dare Follow?

I can't help her.
I can't hate her.
I can't mourn her.
I can't forget her.
I can't stop my love for her,
I can't respect me.

Who am I?
Am I a good person?
Who am I?
Am I normal?
Who am I?
Am I broken?
Who am I?
Am I lost?
Who am I?
Am I alive?
Who am I?
I am nothing.

I wish beyond hope that I simply wasn't me,
I wish I was a tree, rooted sure and strong,
That dreams would die and sleep no longer wrong.

What I would give to just no longer be me.
Let all that was, die forever,
no former thought returned in serene displeasure.

I want to be free from that which makes me, me.
What then, old friend, would become of me?

I know that you are not weak enough to be better from this.
So even though you ache for one last kiss,
Stand friend, stand and hear clear the winds of change.

Taste deeply the salt of love,
understand the bite,
endure the fight,
remember always what is right.

Your heart torn asunder will to the depths shatter in waves of thunder all hopes of becoming something once known worth wonder.

My fiance and first love left me because she no longer felt close to me though she loved my affections, loved everything I did for her, and thought I was the best person she ever met. After repeatedly hearing that I was not the problem, I had an identity crisis. I find it very hard to live with myself because the failure still feels like my own. My love for her now brings me constant shame and misery, but to deny my love for her feels like changing my core being. She now wants someone just like her when she cannot even stand herself anymore.
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