She Opened Up... Poem by DorcusEvelyn Mbaruku

She Opened Up...

Rating: 2.5

She opened up,
All that was hidden,
Sides that have always been covered,
Her dark outside,
That knew no pride,

he knew she was more, more
Than the light and the dark,
Leaned and kissed the insecurity,
She wanted acceptance,
Yearned relief,

He gave her more...
He gave her beauty!
The darkside never got light,
But became a beauty,
she never want rid.

Friday, April 29, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Chinedu Dike 07 June 2016

Mighty spiritual experience and voyage of pure bliss that is love, is aptly captured in the poem. A well articulated piece of poetry elegantly penned in good diction with conviction. Nothing nurtures human spirit more than love ❤ and compassion. Thanks for sharing DorcusEvelyn. Please read my poem POETIC MASTERPIECE.

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DorcusEvelyn Mbaruku 22 August 2016

Thank you for your beautiful comment and am awfully sorry for late reply......i will definetly read your work do have a good day

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Fabrizio Frosini 02 May 2016

a good, well penned poem, your first at poemhunter. Welcome, DorcusEvelyn! and keep on writing

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DorcusEvelyn Mbaruku 22 August 2016

Thank you so much Fabrizio for your wonderful comment...

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Edward Kofi Louis 29 April 2016

She wanted acceptance. Nice work.

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DorcusEvelyn Mbaruku 22 August 2016

Thank you so much Edward

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