She Was The One Poem by Jessie Li here

She Was The One

She had always told me she'd be famous one day
She told me her dreams of becoming a vet.
Her warm room would always be waiting near the bottom of the stairs
Her smiles came and went, hiding her feelings
I could be me around her
People still wonder how I became what I am now
I just couldn't follow her any longer
I've never admitted such words...but i think it was love
A love now lost....with the rest of me
One day it was true,
The next it was gone.....
With it went my tears,
My smiles,
With it went the real me....
Now I'm just a cold facade....
Trying to figure out what I can be
Ever since I lost that girl
She only existed for a few months
She was just a fake...underneath were the realities
Then she broke, and broke me
She lost her smiles....her laugh
She lost the ability to be happy from then on out
She changed so completely and I got lost
Today, there are still smiles, but none as from the heart
There are still some jokes, but none from the past
She'll never be my 'retarded klutz' again....just a name
And a memory I can somehow remember when I
Loose all the rest...
She'll just be a reason I can't feel trust or love again....
She's the reason for me being me.....
The reason I can still somehow cry from nowhere
Even after all these years
She'll be the only one to remelt my heart
If only she was still real.....

29 June 2008

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