Show Me Poem by Francis Duggan

Show Me

Show me something worth protesting for and protest with you I will
But don't ask me to fight with a gun for others I could not kill
I may not agree with what they stand for though their lives not for me to take
I would go to jail for Human Rights if just for Justice sake.

Show me something worth marching for and I will march with you
For as you know a thousand can multiply from two
I will march against the men of war and march for refugees
But if violence of any form you've planned you must excuse me please.

Show me something worth protesting for and by your side I'll stand
And we will march down the Main Street with others hand in hand
Gandhi through passive resistance freedom for his people won
He proved that the power of numbers is greater than the power of the gun.

Show me something worth protesting for and I'll walk by your side
And we'll march for for those poor people of their Human rights denied
The Asylum seekers in detention who for their own safety their Homeland fled
For two can grow to a thousand or so it has been said

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