Shyness Poem by Francis Duggan


Are you shackled by your inhibitions are you one who is quite shy
And social gatherings in clubs and in bar-rooms are things you do not enjoy
When you walk to the counter for to buy drink you feel people at you stare
Though at you they are not looking and of you they seem unaware.

You feel insecure and vulnerable in the bigger World out there
I do not envy you your shyness 'tis a heavy cross to bear
Is it something you were born with or a form of low self esteem?
Either way for you 'tis not a good thing 'tis your cross in life 'twould seem.

Yet you are such a nice person free of arrogance and conceit
And to those you know quite lovely always pleasant for to meet
But your shyness is your problem mentally a crippling thing
Like a bird who struggles to fly with a badly injured wing.

People laughing and talking and having a good time
But you feel ill at ease amongst them as if happiness is a crime
We all have our inhibitions though we manage to get by
But socializing must feel like hard work for the person who is shy.

You are a down to earth person very knowledgeable and wise
But you do feel quite inadequate every time you socialize
We all have our human frailties of inhibitions none are free
And for you burdened by your shyness I do feel great sympathy.

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