Sink Or Swim? Poem by Ruchi chaurasiya

Sink Or Swim?

Rating: 5.0

You, your memory and moments with you takes me to nowhere,
You, your eyes, your voice and your lies takes me to nowhere,
The hand which I hold, the Shoulder I lean on, takes me to nowhere.
The road which I choose with you, takes me to nowhere.
My mind is bitter but my memories are sweet.
My thoughts are variable but feelings are constant.
My mind says you are nothing, my heart says you are something everything.
My mind says swim across this ocean, my heart says sink into him.
You are dark night and a sunny day at a same time.
You make me hopeless and hopeful at same moment.
You construct and destruct my dreams at once.
You neither denied nor admitted.
You want to hold me and leave me at same moment.
So many flows, so many cons, thousands of lies and a heap of promises that you never meant,
But still love you as much as I hate you, that too with a single heart.
Yes, you take me to nowhere, my mind is swimming while my heart is sinking into you and every inch of it is poured into blest notions for you.

-Ruchi Chaurasiya

Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: emotion,feeling,love
Dr Antony Theodore 25 October 2018

My mind is bitter but my memories are sweet. My thoughts are variable but feelings are constant. My mind says you are nothing, my heart says you are something everything. a fine poem written so well using contrasts to denote how difficult it is. the feeling of attraction, infatuation.. beautifully portrayed. than ku. tony

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Bri Edwards 24 October 2018

My mind says swim across this ocean is the ocean this episode in your life, involving You, the 'man' and me, the woman? are you the woman, really? [you don't need to tell EVERYONE; I THINK i know] is your 'intellect' telling you to Let him go, forget him, get over him! ! ! ? BUT your 'darn' heart...[mine just pumps my blood] holding you down/back in the past? ? ? (cont.)

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Hazel Durham 24 October 2018

Wow! I love your heartbreaking and stunning write of the reality of loving a complex man that is always fascinating but emotionally it is a rollercoaster! !

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