Sleep Poem by Pratheek Praveen Kumar


Very important indeed is sleep,
Without it we shall weep,
Something that knits up the sleeve of care,
With it well we shall fare.

Something that we in our duty need,
As it does us feed,
And keeps us alert throughout today,
And we thus work hard in our way.

Something that acts as a relaxant,
And gives to our weariness vent,
Something that helps us all day,
Sleep is important all do say.

A great commodity is sleep,
As we sleep, so shall we reap,
Something that we all do each night,
Otherwise we shall be quite a sight.

It freshens us as nothing else,
It brings us back to our proper sense,
And makes us ready for another day,
To make us strong, there is no other way.

The act, which gives people relaxation on a high scale,
To satisfy someone fully it certainly does not fail,
However, if done excess, it will completely destroy people,
People it will almost certainly forever cripple.

Joyful and without any trouble it certainly is,
Its strong effect on an individual is complete bliss,
No person can do away with this blessing in disguise,
If not done by one, he almost certainly dies.

One of the most essential things needed by mankind,
If one does it often, he will certainly find,
That sleep is a commodity that keeps us alive,
And for that thing we must most certainly strive.

Only a few more things are more completely bliss,
Than sleep and that we must certainly not miss.

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