So Much More Poem by Jo Lynn Ehnes

So Much More

A butterfly of vibrant blues
rested upon the railing
hugging my front porch.

Its beauty and grace
enticed me to capture
the magnificence of God
disguised in this delicate creature.

Entranced by my presence,
not struggling...
he appeared to fly into the net;
drawn to me
for some glorified purpose.

Taken aback by displayed trust,
I released this lovely creature
within the walls of my home.

He was as one with my setting,
landing upon my hand
giving a kiss...
A wondrous display of affection.

As time passed
a sadness appeared in my new friend.
No longer did he wander about.
Perched on the window sill
he yearned for the outside world.

One evening he gently landed on my finger.
I closely gazed upon the face
of my devoted companion.

There was a plea within his eyes;
a cry to go back home-
It dawned on me...
a missing family-
searching, calling to him.

Longing drained his life force.
Vibrant colors now faded.
Affection's display diminished.

Tears spilled down my cheeks,
I knew I must
let go of this divine friend
who planted love's seed in my heart.

Opening the door
he flew away
softly brushing my cheek
with a goodbye kiss.

Sadly, I watched
as he disappeared from my life,
flying towards home
into the setting sun.

Jo Lynn Ehnes

Jo Lynn Ehnes

Alliance, Nebraska
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