Sock And Toes Poem by Half Past

Sock And Toes

Sock and Toes

One fine day sock and toes were sitting around
when sock said to toes there is some information
that I have found
Toes quite interested listened with intent
tell me all about ear you have bent

So without further ado sock started right in
on how toes should learn kindly how to enter him

'I find it unkind how harsh and fast
you cram your foot right down my a..
we were made to go together you and i
but when you are in me
there is no need to stretch me up to your thigh
some days you ram foot down my hole
so quickly like firemen sliding down a pole
that pain is quick and real to me
sometimes it would be nice if you entered gently'

toes thought for a moment about sock's plea
then answered him back with open honesty

'I was not away of my lack of tact
or how quickly i was too finish the act
sometimes it is cold when i am all alone
so i am quick to enter you because it feels like home
if i come speedily to enter your back
it's only for the comfort i find in your sack
the warmth you offer when i am inside you
is almost as nice as when you enter shoe
but, alas i understand the pain of your plea
so, tell me dear friend
how would you like me to enter thee..?

sock smiled at toes for understanding
and told how to enter without need of grandstanding

'I don't mind when you are in a hurry
if you do the deed in such a flurry
but, every once in awhile just think of me
it would be nice if you entered my area sweetly
softly and slowly slide into my hide
gently open my orifice and pull side from side
i am always eager to accept your boot in my skin
but sometimes it seems like you know not where to begin
so, the next time you come to enjoy my embrace
do it with kindness and no need for haste
we are a team and it should be fun
for both of us enjoyable not just for the one
when you find yourself needing my heat
remember fondly this conversation
on how to enter your feet'

toes arched with excitement up in the air
understood the sentiment of which sock did despair
'i will take time and patience the next time i am at your door
i will ask nicely and wipe my foot before
i go about setting my toes on your floor
i will ask of your day and how it went
i will make sure you enjoy it before i am spent
i will not enter and leave when the job is done
i will stay in your embrace as if we were one
the next time we combine i will assure your fun'

sock held toes tightly and at last toes said
'all this talk has went straight to my big toe
please, come quickly to bed'

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