Some Rare Human Beings Poem by Ruta Mohapatra

Some Rare Human Beings

Rating: 5.0

She entered, and a ray of sunshine
Entered after her, illumining the corner
She occupied, chattering like a Humming bird
Each sentence punctuated with laughter
Her eyes and hands fluttered
Like a butterfly as she talked
Happenings of the day, stories doing the round
Mimicry of some acquaintance, funny, warm
Her fat handbag sat on a stool
A treasure trove of knick-knacks
Expired bills, lipsticks, coins, chocolates
She never comes without a gift
Bananas, oranges, mangoes, sweets
In generous quantities, as bright and colorful
As her persona, as light and pleasant
As her laughter
An hour later she left
And the sun went down in the west

Sunday, June 27, 2021
Topic(s) of this poem: siblings,family
Bharati Nayak 11 September 2021

Such a lovely poem about someone of endearing personality.Enjoyed every word of it.

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Ruta Mohapatra 30 June 2021

Thank you so much, Sylvia! Your comments are always so pleasant!

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Sylvia Frances Chan 28 June 2021

Loveliest worded, such an entertaining poem about daily activities and yet it reads like the best Classic poem of all times! 5 Stars full for this formidable impressive poem.

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