Song Poem by Lazarus Knix


The summer air tussles and throws infrequently as a gentle wave in winter,
The scent of July enamors the earth in a robust lavender amethyst,
The green bush shelters a Robin, His body playfully emerges from it’s tangled brush,
How I am overcome by his beauty!
Many shades of inflated crimson, Apache-tomahawk skull
Yellow feet resembling bent corn stalks,
Clinging gently upon a ginger branch

When he sings, I sing with him,
When he departs, I depart with him,
When he dies, I die with him,
I am in him, and he in me,
And his beauty shall be the same today,
As when I am endowed with wrinkles,
Fine as the sea's unsettling ripples-
It is locked into his essence,
His appearance, the manifestation of red jubilation,
Such a humbling vision.

The coo of an unseen morning dove
The silentest, yet most moving song -
From a bird that has chosen to conceal itself
Not in the teasing manner of the Robin,
But, rather, in consoling shyness,
Though, it matters not.
The Robin’s red breast is his gift,
The Morning dove’s gentle coo is his
(Encompassing beauty within the unseen)
Some choose to stay hidden,
Some choose to come out,
Yet I can neither hide nor come out-
Into the beauty of existence,
My song cannot be concealed,
My song is a dove’s hark in a hidden brush,
My song is the Robin’s red breast,
My song is the song of love in motion,
My song,
Is to be alive.

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