Speak Father I Will Hear You! Poem by john raymond

Speak Father I Will Hear You!

Seek first God in his rightness
All things will be added on to you
In heaven and on earth below
I dream for that day of wonders
Standing before my father's throne
Asking what is it you want of me
For your servant is listing ready to obey!
Because of the sins I've done
He could destroy me jest by looking at Him
Thank you Jesus so I stand before You Father
He points to the women i desire standing there
God Says yours desires are My desires!
O To help her relationship grow with God
O To bless her needs every way I can?
O To work together as one flesh for God
O To serve God as Christ loved the church
Would be my dream come true
Would it be faith to trust God to do this?
Is this dream from God or the lies of my heart
What you sow is what you will reap!
I want relationships with God & a woman? !
So I pray that my friends get what I desire!
When the woman of desire dates another
Is Satan causing doubt or God closing doors?
So I pray for him to serve her as I would desire!
In the name of Jesus Please answer my prayer
I ask what to do stay or go I will stand for You
Lord If you grow us as one we will serve You
Lord if you destroy my dream I will serve You
Father what is Your answer for I am listening!

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