Remember To Forgive! Poem by john raymond

Remember To Forgive!

itch in places i can't touch
Feel pain where i can not move
Causes me to remember being saved
I felt move of God because i liked a girl
Something changed I could not say what?
I remember the bible came one door Christmas eve
Reading the first 20 pages bored me to tears
I don't know how i pushed forward anyway
One night in pain Satan offered me all I wanted.
So i read ACTS & First John then a power came over me
I remember my heart would grown for the poor & sick
I remember the false prophecies that fell apart in my hands
I remember the true prophecies God put with my hands
It was prideiful for me to see lives change because of God
I remember meeting my wife when i was seeking God
She was not what I ask for but the treasure i always loved
I remember being in debt yet obeying God in faith
Seeing God pore money out when much was needed
I remember being a blessing to Israel in God's will
Then why am i here in this place with no love
Should I be blessed I was used by God!
Why do i want to itch like my flesh tare at me
Unable to move burning and so alone!
I was to angry to forgive my wife breaking a coffee cup
A voice said you must forgive now!
I went bed angry and left the house in a body-bag
One act of unforegiveness leads me here
All i have are the memories of what i lost
Again and again taunting me forever! !

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