Stand Still Hill Poem by Andrew Christian

Stand Still Hill

Stand Still Hill

Silent eyes, stand still hill
Come in tide, blanket both sides still
Shirt worn thin, strands wozen of skin
bare back, given off, given too, reach stand still hill

High above the ground, far above the sea
eyes come to stand still, tounge cease to speak
trickle slowly water flow from the stream
cloud cover our hearts, silence all that be

smoke lit, engulph offerings at the summit
so thick of green, emense terrian, curtain of trees
red thickets of reeds shift color as I draw near to see
Great Lake that licks the ocean spray, rain fall with ease

Peaking sun runs warmth down it's blue masquerade
white jots streak across grey illuminated landscape
smiling essence of a spiritual presence connections through hand shakes
palms kiss palms, honor reflected in bodily form be of Great Lake
May eyes produce comfort through love as does relief come
brought by ocean spray
Spirit of the mountain, vegetational growth around sacred fountain
silent eyes, stand still hill

Island these feelings, be as this place, beauty of grace which emenates
Life lives in these, murky rocks on the coastal line of the sea
for one to peer there is nothing, to emerse with, to live in, to breath
when one is present beyond murky water, to look beneath what we see
Reveal through action, currents move towards paths that time has mapped
to be pulled with the flow is to die
One spirit, One will, reverse current, Up Hill
Travel to the top, to reveal, only through action unveil
To reach against pushing hands, swim towards the force
Fly into the wind, fast from the fruit, feed spirit from the source
Return to of which, has been the womb, released to the world
Peer down from the mountain, silent eyes

Stand still Hill.

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