Starbucks Poem = 2016 Poem by Tom Zart

Starbucks Poem = 2016

In the still dark early morning hours
Starbuck's bakers begin their God given craft.
Creating life's most mouthwatering pastries
Which make us feel fortified as we socialize and laugh.

Every day the hungry and in love line up
Of all ages lifestyle, and ethnic background.
Eager to consume their delicious delights
And enjoy the melting pot of people they found.

Their coffee is still the most always in demand
As patrons refill their cups time and time again.
People seem dependent to the whole experience
As they keep coming back to meet a partner, lover or friend.


Around 1615 coffee came to Western Europe
Raising a huge controversy and warning cry.
Some said it was intoxicating and poisonous
And any whom consume it will die.

No one knows how coffee was discovered
Though it is said its effects were known before A.D.575.
Persian armies carried and ate its seeds for strength
Which in battle could decide who would perish or survive.

Arabs where the first to brew its bitter seeds into a drink
In a attempt to make it taste better and easier to consume.
Soon the new beverage spread to Turkey and Europe
As the world became addicted to the harvest of it's bloom.

Thank God for caffeine found in coffee
Which helps multitudes make it through the day.
Like ancestors of the past it helps energy to last
And for its stimulant we are eager to pay.

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By God's Poet
Tom Zart
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Tom Zart
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Saturday, April 6, 2013
Topic(s) of this poem: love and life
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