Step Outside You're Young Poem by Emily Krauss

Step Outside You're Young

Rating: 5.0

Step out into the world
And be bold

Take hold of adventures
And be wild
For you're young
And in the prime of your life

Have a laugh
Chill with friends
For you're young
And ready to party like there's no tomorrow

Step out in the world
And be bold

Work out at the gym,
Go out to restaurants
And have a good old time at concerts
For you're young
And always ready to have a good old time

Step outside in the world
Be bold a
And never let go of the gold
For you're young
And now is the time
To live your best life

Sunday, October 25, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: human,human being,people
Dr Antony Theodore 03 November 2020

Take hold of adventures And be wild For you're young And in the prime of your life Very daring advice. thank you for this poem. tony

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Anil Kumar Panda 31 October 2020

Yeah, you must enjoy your life to the fullest. This is the time. Tomorrow never comes. A nice poem for young and courageous. Thanks for sharing. Enjoyed.

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Belle Wassermeister 25 October 2020

Oh, if that were only true!

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Douglas Scotney 25 October 2020

surely there's room for a bit of caring?

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Emily Krauss

Emily Krauss

New Westminster
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