Still At This Time Poem by Kelly Kurt

Still At This Time

Rating: 4.2

Still at This Time

The way that you go about
Trying to know about
Things that effect your life

Are they based upon memes
Because to me it seems
That way of thinking is rife

Believe the first thing you read
"It's a hoax", all you need
To risk being next to die

A book written years ago
Evil, but even though
Still guides decisionsbut why

When you were two years old
You were taught, not just told
Hell was your fate if you 'sinned'

Despite your lying eyes
Somehow just edgewise
You cannot seem to rescind

So you blindly elect
And I truly suspect
Lead your life blinded by faith

Born into circumstance
Under a kind of trance
Seduced into trust of some wraith

Twenty-first century
Not A.D but C.E.
Science and sense should prevail

It's too late once you die
As it stands even I
Wasted so many good years

From birth it's deep rooted
A two year old recruited
Inductees not volunteers

At sixty-two years old
Illusion's long lost its hold
An open mind is all it took

We have been to the moon
But still aren't immune
To a damn Bronze-age book

Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: life
wes vogler 08 September 2020

still no way to post on poemhunter I am still able to comment though apparently. I miss youguys but not the damnable inefficiency of this site, Come visit me on allpoetry where sanity reigns.

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M Asim Nehal 23 July 2020

A perfect synopsis of life's journey. Nice work my friend, read u after long gap nevertheless enjoyed your poem.10+

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