Strangers In November's Embrace Poem by Mohammad Saif

Strangers In November's Embrace

In London's misty veil of November's grey,
Two souls collided on that fateful day.
Strangers they were, yet fate had a say,
As their paths intertwined along the way.
Drawn together by an unseen force,
They embarked on a journey, a new course.
Feelings stirred, an unspoken discourse,
A connection forged, with no remorse.
Hand in hand, they roamed the city's streets,
Exploring its wonders, with hearts in beats.
From iconic landmarks to hidden retreats,
Their bond grew stronger with each step it meets.
Along the River Thames, they took a stroll,
As evening descended, casting its gentle role.
Their footsteps echoed, in unison they strolled,
In silent moments, a story began to unfold.
Their gazes met, but feelings were concealed,
Desires ignited, yet their lips were sealed.
Afraid to expose what the heart truly feels,
Love's flame flickered, a secret yet unhealed.
She spoke of dreams, of lands far away,
Her departure imminent, no longer to stay.
His heart sank deep, as he bid her goodbye,
Vowing to chase the winds, never to be shy.
Years rolled by, but his longing remained,
Across borders and seas, his heart sustained.
Through seasons and distance, his hope unrestrained,
To find her once more, love's fire still unstrained.
In London's essence, he sought her face,
In every crowded street and bustling place.
A search that defied both time and space,
His love persistent, at a steady pace.
In the tapestry of their destined affair,
London's aura intertwined with their flair.
A tale of two strangers, their hearts laid bare,
In the depths of love, a story they share.
For in that fleeting meeting, love took flight,
Two souls in London's embrace, shining bright.
And as the years pass, he yearns for her sight,
To reunite the flames that burn day and night.

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