Struggle Poem by Anish Chouhan


A little girl who always like to fly in sky,
Into the flowers she bloomed her as a girl of shy,
She got her some one in the way of a walk,
And always smile for the will of his talk.

She compensate with her dreams after a fight,
She was with some one who make her feel bright,
Her laughter brought sun rays to his earth,
It was like for him she took her birth,

She started her life like a river that flows,
She was enjoying the wind that ever blows,
Though the girl kept away herself from his sight,
Then once she cry into the middle of a night.

She fears that others will sense the shame,
But was this girl really too blame,
The beautiful angel who was full of belief,
Could not without him seem to find a relief.

She feels so bad when the attempts close before explore,
Then she put her head down and look at the floor,
An innocent child lost her freedom at a very young age,
Through a trusted man deliberate to control her rage.

Her colorful soft heart was now full of pain,
Through the rest of her life it could regain,
Her someone would see, worries that lay upon her face,
She wanted his heart and longed for that special place.

The day, when he was looking around,
She felt weak and couldn't make him a sound,
She didn't have her own words to say,
He was still there close with her to stay.

Taking her close he make her feel the care,
This relief her little heart to strengthen and dare,
She always just wanted him to understand,
But instead she got her back with his hand.

Day after day slowly she forgot this pain,
Then she said never to be crying ever again,
The mountain of unnoticed fear was reached,
Went on months after she got a love that preached.

While she smiled, she got silent tears in eyes,
She was overwhelmed with his caring skies,
Then she picked up her sight to him and stare,
Got a final delight as she longed for her peaceful glare.

Geetha Jayakumar 06 February 2014

Wow...A wonderful poem Anish....Beautiful lines..... Got a final delight as she longed for her peaceful glare. Poem was very pleasant to read and beautiful flow of words....Loved reading it...

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