Sty Sty Hones-Sty Poem by Kushal Grover

Sty Sty Hones-Sty

sty sty honesty sty hones-sty
does not work always don't know why
why do I survive everytime when I lie
look at this world oh my my

fake people with glittering masks
finish your story before someone asks
who knows till when this all lasts
aaargh stop it
my brain's gonaa blast

all fickle fragile and all desparate
who needs reality just exaggerate
is that my bite in your plate
wake up now this is life mate

does it look wrong and all unjust
what's the big deal man just adjust
care to survive if you must
become a part of the corporate lust

growing taste of power by every hour
has my deo replaced the shower
i got three fragrances under my hood
no one's gonaa care till I smell good

beep beep the message on my bbm
tenth one asking 'when you're gonna come'
hold on my lady fire on my bum
meeting in thiry have an ultimatum

foot on the pedal fast take the right turn
five minutes to go having a heart burn
still having thirty five slides to churn
can't work like this I have to learn

things can't happen on the fly
can't survive through this i'm gonna die
truth is not gonna make me survive
no other option have to lie

this is not the way i am concerned
forget the preaching how table has turned
nothing is in place meeting adjourned
hold on your horses no need to cry
no point being humble become a sly
sty sty honesty sty hones-sty

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