Sudden Burst Of Realization Poem by Kelly Sweet

Sudden Burst Of Realization

I understand now
This is life
There is no sudden burst of realization
Rather, once you are born, you are
And who are you?
Can you truthfully say that you know
Whether you are your body,
Your name or your soul?
And what is the soul
But an imagined mist of particles
That reside within us
Or are our souls everywhere around us
Can we be in the North and the South
At one time
And yet watching a sunset with our bodily eyes
Who made these eyes I have
My mother and father joined together as one
But what urged me to grow
To learn, and to write these words I write now
Perhaps I am everyone
And everyone is me
As an ocean of water that creates a tidal wave
That washes the shore and then returns to it’s depths
Perhaps I am the old man with his silver whiskers and cigars
As well as the tan naked orphan in far parts of the world
As well the kings and the queens in their castles
And the seagulls soaring an inch from the water
And the sequoia trees like mountains that breathe
And the presidents, and the homeless, and the dandelions
Perhaps I am all great men who came before me
I am their words, I am their souls
And when I speak it comes not from me, I know
But from all those everywhere
Alive and elsewhere
And perhaps when we speak,
We speak as one.

Kelly Sweet

Kelly Sweet

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