Surprise And Rejoice Poem by Bob Gotti

Surprise And Rejoice

You’ll be surprised what God can do, in ordinary men like me and you,
One day, very mundane at its best, could be by our Lord a simple test,
So that others working close to us, will see that it is The Lord you trust.
When things seem to be falling apart, God could be working in a heart.

When Christ bought us upon that tree, we became His for others to see,
Just how God works in a life, which has been purchase by Jesus Christ.
When things just don’t fall into place, I need to lean upon God’s Grace,
Allowing the peace of Christ to shine, showing I am His and He is mine.

When all is calm it may not show, the power of God they need to know,
A Power that helps you rise above, life’s lowest point through His Love.
Men you know are watching you, and some you don’t are watching too,
Wanting to see what you’re made of, mainly when the going gets tough.

Christ shall keep your head up high, when the things about you go awry,
Being God’s Light, as His spark, to watching hearts in midst of the dark.
Simply allow God to have His way, and He’ll walk you through your day,
And though you may not understand, trust God’s heart not God’s hand.

For He may take you to an unfair task, when your heart may want to ask,
Why God would allow in your life, what simply seems to be unfair strife.
Although it may bring your heart pain, don’t react, instead simply refrain,
And though it was not your choice, through God’s eyes, you will rejoice.

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

New Jersey
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