Swayed On The Way Poem by Bob Gotti

Swayed On The Way

False teachers will come and go, but one thing you need to know,
The Lord God, who created all, opposes those who make men fall.
Men who water down God’s Word, questioning what you’ve heard.
Taking men down a broader path, one that invites our God’s wrath.

Teaching false fleshly deductions, leads men to eternal destruction.
While believers who follow their plan, could see a shorter life span.
The Lord himself said the narrow way, is the path on which to stay,
The only path to Eternal Life, is the one pointed to by Jesus Christ.

Righteousness required by The Lord, by many simply goes ignored,
Ignoring God’s Righteous decrees, they propose all that they please.
Men are saved from their lives before, to live a new life for The Lord.
God redeems every stripe and color, to be with Jesus Christ forever,

Through the cross where Jesus died, men have power to be purified,
To live high above the darkest night, to be examples of Jesus’ Light.
Paul became a slave of the cross, to be Christ’s Light for all the lost,
All of his rights Paul had set aside, to live for his Lord, who had died.

These men minimize this sacrifice; one essential in the believer’s life,
If they are to have a victorious life, as Ambassadors for Jesus Christ.
Friend, are you like Paul crucified, with the One who for all had died?
Totally committed to The Son of God, upon this temporal earthly sod!

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

New Jersey
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