Sweet Sixteen, Not So Much Poem by Lizzy Scott

Sweet Sixteen, Not So Much

FYI, This does not rhyme, So rate it what you will...

A happy 16 year old
Going to the mall
with two of her best friends,
She remembers how fun it was,

Until… until…..
She can't think about it,
Goes back to the mall memories..
Walking past a Starbucks,
Samantha wants coffee

They stop, they laugh,
Then a man who she remembers
Thinking he was handsome,
Walks up to her….
Not interested in Samantha or

Kelly, He looks her in the eyes,
And asks to buy her a drink,
Her memories are dim,
She feels so light headed…..
Hopeless.. Lost…..

-A car…. Where is her friends…?
He is in the seat next to her…..
Driving… What is going on? ?
Kevin.. That was his name….
She shakes her head trying to remember…

- It all flashes back - A Hotel room…
She can't think… He tells her he will
Be right back, …. Leaves the room..
A man walks in, She is so scared,
He beats her, than shoves her in the back

Of a van, blind folded, hurt, bound,
A flood of thoughts go through her head…
She finally falls to sleep with exhaustion.
-suddenly she is grabbed and thrown on someone's back,
She screams, thrashes, she can't see…

She gets thrown on a bed…
The blind fold is removed,
Then she is tied to the bed,
She feels a needle slide into her arm,
But she is too tired to protest…

She feels as though days go by,
Having food shoved in her mouth,
…..More needles…
More pain.. More hurt…

Finally the man who took her,
Comes and unties her,
Puts her in a room and says
'Take a shower, and put on those clothes'
She stumbles in the shower,

Happy to have one….
-Oh those memories…. She starts crying..
But she knows she has to remember them-
She cleans up, looks at the clothes,
And thinks they look more seducing than practical…

Puts them on.. He comes in the room
and drags her to a car, -A hotel…
-A room…. -A man…. -A bed….
She knows what is going on now…
She got sold…. She blacks out the rest of that night,

Can't… can't…can't remember.. Won't remember…
Won't let herself remember…
Weeks without end, It's all the same…
Same room.. Different man… More hurt…
How long has she been here anyway…?

Who is she? Just a shell of a girl..
Nothing more than a slave to men's emotions…
-She is done with those memories,
Back to what is going on now…
She is still on that bed,

The same one she has been on since
The day she got sold…
Another day, another drug,
She gets thrown in the room, takes a shower,
Gets dressed, and gets put in the van,

They arrive at the hotel, She goes to the room,
And finds a man there… 'Well, here comes more hurt..'
She thinks, He looks at her, and his eyes are filled with love…
Not what she has seen in the other men's eyes…
How is he different..? He comes to her,

And whispers in her ear 'I won't hurt you'
Then he took her by the hand and led her out of the room..
Can't think straight… can't think straight…
It's the drugs… - And put her in a car…
They drove all night.. He asked her questions..

Finally she asked 'what's your name? '
'Anthony' He was so different.. She had never
Experienced a man that wasn't wanting to hurt her….
..How..? She didn't know.. But she didn't want him to leave.
He told her that he was undercover, found out about the guy who

Took her, and signed up on the list for her.
They arrived at a drug rehabilitation center,
She got the help she needed, and they put
The man that abused her in prison.
Anthony didn't care about how many men

She was forced to aid.
He loved her…. He changed her life..
Like no other had.

Hundreds of women get trafficked each day…
But only one quarter ever get found again...

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