Tales Of The Old Town (Part 05) Poem by Kim Barney

Kim Barney

Kim Barney

I was born in a bank - - my mother went there and made a deposit

Tales Of The Old Town (Part 05)

Rating: 5.0

I only heard my grandma swear
when she was playing Rook.
If someone trumped her number one,
then that was all it took.

My grandma had some widow friends
who played Rook every week.
Kids were allowed to watch sometimes,
but not allowed to speak.

Just one of those old widows drove;
she had a funny car,
went everywhere in second gear,
and never drove too far.

Her car was called a Henry J;
gears grinding made us wince.
I'd not seen one like that before
and haven't seen one since.

I tasted pizza the first time
when I had turned thirteen.
I thought it very strange at first,
but now it's just routine.

My sister brought the pizza home.
She said "It grows on you."
We came to find, as weeks went by,
that what she said was true.

I miss the baseball games we had,
although we played on dirt.
There was no grass, but there were rocks,
and sometimes we got hurt.

There also was no outfield fence,
which made the game more fun:
if you were fast and hit it hard,
you MIGHT get a home run!

Wednesday, May 23, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: memories,youth
23 May 2018
Valsa George 05 June 2018

Beautiful childhood memories Kim! Though we all lived with limited facilities compared to what we have now, those days were far more enjoyable! Your sister's comment on Pizza.....has proved to be so true!

11 0 Reply
Kim Barney 24 May 2019

Thanks so much, Valsa. I have learned a lot from my sister, including many things about poetry. She is a better poet than I am!

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Grace Diane Jessen 26 May 2018

I enjoy reading about your memories from your youth. You tell some good tales with nice rhymes and rhythm. Good work!

11 0 Reply
Kim Barney 23 May 2019

Thank you so much! you are the most underrated poet on this website!

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Kelly Kurt 24 May 2018

A fun, nostalgic read.

12 0 Reply
Kim Barney 23 May 2019

Thanks, Kelly, for the compliment!

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Spock The Vegan 24 May 2018

Good one, Kim. It sounds like 'the good ole days'.

11 0 Reply
Kim Barney 23 May 2019

Those really were the good old days. The older I get, the more I realize how good they were!

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Kim Barney

Kim Barney

I was born in a bank - - my mother went there and made a deposit
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