Teachers-The Path Makers Poem by RKS YADAV (Rahi)

Teachers-The Path Makers

Rating: 5.0

Teachers are not the men
Who just come to teach
They are not the men
Who just come to preach
They aren't the men in dark
They are who move with spark
They decide a nation's fate
And treat all as their mate
They are called role-models
Of character, they true idols
They are men of love and respect
That they hath for their prospect
A nation sits upon their shoulders
They are the great moulders
And the prophets, God sends
On them entire nation depends.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
Jazib Kamalvi 29 April 2018

A good start with a nice poem, Rajesh. You may like to read my poem, Teachers. Thank you.

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Dear Poet, I find no more poems on your page. Why don't you share more of your poems with us, sir? We wait for them.

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Congratulations, dear poet. All the best

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Great tribute to the teaching community. Coming from a family of teachers, I feel proud. I was in the banking industry, but used to take pride that I was always called upon to take classes in our Training Colleges

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Dr Dillip K Swain 28 October 2022

A wonderful tribute to all teachers of the world. Welcome to this august site. I would love to see your many poems in the days ahead. Keep writing.

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Naila Rais 29 April 2018

A wonderful start.... Keep it up.... I would like you read my poem In the mid of the night depression you are killing me too.. Naila

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