Thank You Poem by Blessing Kalamatila

Thank You

Today, I need you to contemplate these two words, thank you.
Mostly utilized when provided with something that benefits you in most if not all the time.
you see am thankful for my job, the talent, the fans, the car, the house and everything else I manage.

If a young man at my age can get on stage and inspire the masses with words that not only rhyme but lend insight then Momma, I made it
-but what happens once I lose it all;
like a bad investment.
I'm sorry, what I meant was why do I feel the need to keep on?

Then it hits me and I begin to comprehend that am thankful for all the wrong reasons,
to acquainted with the earth I am starting to forget that dust remains the ultimate residence of my flesh
it's evident in the book of Genesis;
so then let me begin asking how many of us woke up today knowing well it's not by your strength said thank you?

-to He who goes on to show you his faithfulness every time you decide to rebel;
like when the gullet helps the booze slide in and instead of digesting,
it channels through the bloodstream to all parts of the body
when we are supposed to be Spirit-filled, or;
when our eyes stare long at screens of erotic scenes
that seem to defile our minds into having lustful traits;
forgetting that our bodies remain His sanctuary,
does any of that ring a bell?

Let's be thankful for His Grace.
because I don't know what's worse between running at a fast pace this race we call Life towards a finish Line when He assures another after,
and whilst at it sidelining the Mission to fulfil the great commission?
either way that is what you are saved by.

So, when the Sun smiles at you
-but there is no hope to start anew,
when your rent is due,
when frustrated for standing in a long queue, or;
you could be are part of the few whose contracts haven't been renewed,
There is still a need to say Thank you because God works in ways we have no clue.

How can you not be fully appreciative of Him, whose nature lodges within you;
erasing your trip to Hell,
for the fresh air, you inhale,
when death at that cross entails victory; earning you the right to be called head and not the tail.

You see I am here to tell you the need to
stop taking our existence on Earth as a game;
cuz we love to play the victim
-but allow me to express what a victor feels;
go on and tell that you are penniless and I will tell that I too is broke,
except I serve a God that owns cattle over a thousand heels.

Tell me how worthless you think you are
and I will point you to a cross where His son had to die for people like you.
Tell me how have never experienced love from whence you were Teen and I will recite with a smile the words that whisper hope in verse 16 of John 3.

He believes in you but here is me and you appeasing the flesh more than His Spirit that leaves in you.
Do you see how easy it is when you walk past what your eyes can see?
I guess not because we're too busy to even notice what His word guarantees.

Its always good to be thankful, even in your worst.
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