Thank You Po Poem by Hannah Davies

Thank You Po

I wanted to say, to say that I'm sorry
For all of the hurt, the pain and the worry.
You have been by my side through every difficult stride
And help me to lift my head with pride.

Sometimes there are good times, others they were bad
But you seem to retain me from feeling so sad.
You knew what I was thinking, you knew just what to do
You just took me by the hand and stuck to me like glue.

I know I can be difficult, but you are always there
A friendly smile, a word or two to show me that you care.
You always know just what to say as I look upon the world as grey
And when times got rough and I had had enough, you continued to stay.

I'm sorry if I hurt you
Made you angry or seemed like I abused you.
But please! You must believe me
I'm truly sorry, I know people need me.

I know that I can trust you
And for so much I have to thank you.
You're truly a star
I hope your family realises how lucky they are! !

If it wasn't for you
I know I'd be dead
I owe you my life.....
That's enough said.

This poem is one I wrote for a very good friend of mine Pauline (Po) . She was there for me at the most lowest point in my life where I just wanted to give up with life completely, but she showed me that there was at least one person out there who cared about what happened to me and helped me to realise that life is worth living. I really do owe this woman my life and there will never be enough words to thank her for what she has done xxxx

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