That Girl Poem by Mary Katherine

That Girl

I hate men.
Not the whole gender or anything.
I guess by men
I mean man
And by man
I mean you.
Because I thought you were different.
But no course not
Your just the same as the rest.

See I was never the 'it girl'
I was always the.
That girl.
The one no one knew
And no one cared to know.
And as the
That girl
I found myself too often
The friend.
The friend that fixed all things broken
And knew about motorcycles and cars.
Never was I
The girlfriend.
The one who was cute and
Wore this dress just for you.
I was the girl raised on metal
With tool box in hand
Who could do things for herself.

Now today
I'm ok with it.
I'm glad I can carry my own weight
But school?
Ha no
High school was

Always the
'do you have anyone special you want to bring to christmas'
From grandmas
And the
'I don't know why you don't have a boyfriend. You're so pretty'
From mom.

Now dont get me wrong
I tried.
Oh did I try
But I had one problem:
For some reason my type was
Either physically or mentally
I always fell for the guy whose heart was somewhere else.
(I was once told I would make a good mistress because of this.)
And you'd think
Eh after one or two she'd learn
But no.
Apparently I am very stubborn when it comes to learning things.
Who would have guessed it.
But everytime I'd befriend a guy
(Normally a flirt)
I would soon fall
And unfortunalty
I am one who falls hard.
And fast.
And then it would start
I'd think
Ya know, he's different I know it
Because he is (inser a bold face lie of a reason that I made myself believe)
And boom
He was different.

Guess what?
He really wasn't.
And that was the reoccurring
Trail of tears
That was my high school years.

And now that I'm older I've realized some things:
For one my fear of dying alone will never go away
Two, that those guys will never change and I will never change them no matter how hard I try.
And three.
Three is the most important.
Three is where I learned that I am who I am
And if you dont want that
Then the door is open.
Because I want a man to want me for me.
I will never be the 'it girl'
But screw her!
I'm happy being the
That girl
Because she can
Blast Metallica
While fixing a car
And be perfectly happy
With the rhythm
And her little red tool box.

Niken Kusuma Wardani 04 August 2011

Hi Mary, I like yr poem it's funy and real and i love the end too - it's a good lesson that no matter what you have to love yrself before letting someone love you, cheers

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