That Night Poem by Wendy Gomez

That Night

That Night

I'm not afraid of the dark I'm afraid of what I can't see

& that's everything that can hurt me

I ended up walking to a friend's house

I walked all the way up that hill

That creepy road up that hill

It seemed a decade before we reached his house

I started to walk back to my house with a flashlight I borrowed

Every house I looked back at seemed like the door was open

It seemed as if it was louring me in

Like there was a chant that seized me & wouldn't let go

I started walking to one

It was pitch black I had no eyes at the moment

It just wouldn't let go of me

It pulled & tugged it was strong

Whatever it was it was winning

I began to cry

All of a sudden it let go

I started to run in the only direction I found

I ran faster with each step

The wind was circling around me

Trying to whisper in my ear

But I couldn't hear a thing

It all went mute

I kept running

Each step I took someone else took a second step exactly with perfect prosicion

It was faster than me & it knew I knew that

It did it on purpose it filled my face with tremendous fear

It was walking right behind me just to frighten me

It smiled to see me like this

I was his favorite enemy I assumed since I was going along

Sadly it was real

I kept running

Finally I heard again

It sounded like I was screaming

I could only hear a little bit

I heard the whisper

It said to stop

So I did even though I didn't want too

It was controlling me

It hurts me

It actually kills me almost, to know this

I finally got the courage to turn around & catch a glance of what I didn't see

I felt it leave

I couldn't see a thing

But it was there

I finally reached my house I opened my front door I snuck back into my window

To sleep with a fear that was more than just priceless It was tattooed for life in my

memory that was awaken every time shadows broke upon my forehead

This made me

It is me

It has me trapped like no other

It dominated me to handle things I'm not prepared for

It's awful

It's the ghost of my graveyard

Where all my darkest deepest secrets are buried

It's awaiting my death soon & inpatient

It swallows me whole

It eats me alive

To soon go sane & kill my loved ones & every possession I've had

To think that this night would change my life forever

Wendy G.

Wendy Gomez

Wendy Gomez

Ruidoso, New Mexico
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