The Affair De Amour Poem by Sajad Meer

The Affair De Amour

Rating: 5.0

The tilting leaves,
And the bustling trees.
Oh Lord! What a bliss on me,
As the painless sight of heavens to me.
I love it, not just for fun,
Though through leaves, not lots of suns,
As someone murmured into the ear,
'Be with me, oh i fear',
I wondered for, that i saw,
And felt sorry, that under the paw,
Oh my law, I ever loved all,
Looked low, I fell pall,
No: a grand Camberwell beauty in mulch,
Love it seemed, i gave up the search,
And fetched the fly of love to me.
Oh! what delicate a heart i see,
Felt it and felt my heart,
Was fructified and beated a lot,
I startled and at once i thought,
And a glamour, what love have i sought!
A moon that sweetened me,
Except the colors, nothing i see.
Ballads, we and all sang,
The sun and moon and the tree for long,
And the bird on the tree and green and white,
Those on the hill, played across the night,
A love song and a motet for me,
We and all sailed across the see,
All, but we, danced an dined,
But in the colored moon, I pined.

Sajad Meer

Sajad Meer

Yaripora, Jammu and Kashmir (IOK)
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