The Ballad Of Andrew A Coward Poem by Dave SmithWhite

The Ballad Of Andrew A Coward

A Soldier of the Empire,
Has seen it's spread unbound.
Has traveled wide along it's girth
And breadth the world around.
From fever in the Tropics,
To frostbite in the North,
A leader and a prophet
Commands his men, 'Go Forth! '

He's a servant of his Country,
A servant of the Crown.
Was mentioned in despatches,
In an army of renown.
His name is Andrew Coward,
A Colonel of the Troops.
And he's done his Christian Duty
To improve the native groups.

Like late lamented Gordon,
The hero of Khartoum.
As strong, resolved and hardy;
May the martyr be entombed!

Unlike the evil Mhardi,
He's not beset by gloom.
He hates unrest, disorder,
As dirt is shy to broom.

He is a Christian Soldier.
He beats the savage drum.
And truth is all he's told ya
Of the Kingdom yet to Come.

He takes his Orders from the Bible.
Lets the Bible be his Guide.
Lest the Ornament of Empire be
A faithless slattern bride.

He takes his Orders from the Bible.
Lets the Bible so decide.
Lest we wear the worthless bauble
As an emblem of our Pride.

So mark his word with due respect.
He is the better man.
A model for a future world,
With Cross and Gun in hand.
And hearken to his great insight:
That Moral Power confers the Right.
As Kipling says, our burden's white,
To rule the sun and sand.

Colonel Andrew A Coward,
Should be knighted for his work.
Yet a jealous sleight, has soured
Him, amongst the Brass and Clerk.
Colonel Andrew A Coward,
His vision must abound.
Though service scourged and scoured
Him, his careless purge astounds.
But Colonel Andrew A Coward,
As a man, remains unbowed;
He's always going forward,
With the stiffest lip allowed!

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