The Basket Weaver Poem by Sandra Martyres

The Basket Weaver

The little child munched on a crust of bread
While her Mother wove baskets by the dozen
They sat together on the floor of a little room
Without exchanging a single word
Yet there was a tremendous feeling of peace
With only an occasional sound when she tossed
A finished basket onto the heap in the corner
And stretched for a fresh roll of cane to begin
The next one which would take an hour to finish

She stopped work at midday and stretche d out
Then opening her capacious bag she took out
A small lunch box containing cooked food
She shared it out equally with the child -
One ate from the container while the other
Used the lid as a plate - the meal was silent too
Both appeared ravenous as the food
Was polished off in a thrice -Had there
Been more they would finished it as well

After a short break she resumed her weaving
And the child took a short nap on the floor
The Mother worked quietly until the child awoke
She thrust another crust into her little hand and
Whispered something to her-the child went out
And returned with a man whom she called Father
He looked like a waster someone who had never
Done a jot of honest work in his life - he slumped
On the floor and the woman got up to make his tea

He sipped it and smashed the cup on the floor
Perhaps it was not hot enough -the child cringed
The Mother dodged a blow from his unsteady hand
He seemed to be in a rage and stumbled out returning
With a stone the size of a boulder which he aimed at
The poor woman's head and in seconds she was flat
Bleeding profusely but dead -the child cried out
He threatened to kill her, but she managed to escape
Hearing the commotion the neighbours rushed in

It was then that the Basket weaver's story came to light
This obnoxious man had promised her a better life
Being naive she believed him and ran away from home
Very soon her dreams were shattered she realised that
She would be leading a life of drudgery without money
She learned basket weaving from a gypsy woman and
Tried to support herself and the unborn child at the time
While the husband -an alcoholic abused her all the while
He killed her this time as she refused to give him money

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