The Battle For 1 Billion Souls! Poem by Denis Martindale

The Battle For 1 Billion Souls!

The battle for 1 billion souls
Began with prophecy,
For God, in truth, has higher goals
For all humanity...
Jerusalem, Jerusalem,
The apple of His eye,
Because Israel belongs to Him,
His love will never die...

And it is love He seeks to share
With Gentiles and with Jews,
That's why He listens to each prayer
The day we've heard Good News...
Yet it is us He calls to preach
And us to count the cost,
Such that we seek each soul to teach,
Such that God saves the lost...

For who are we, except we serve?
What purpose can we know?
If we find courage, keep our nerve,
What blessings will we sow?
And yet, dear saints, we're not alone,
The battle is the Lord's,
For He's the King upon His Throne,
The giver of rewards...

Yet if rewards are all we seek,
These aren't as great as love,
You see, the love of God's unique,
None greater found above...
To think, God's Son was sacrificed,
Yet He rose from the dead,
His crown of thorns so highly prized
That He bore on His head...

He gave His life, He gave His blood,
A crown upon His brow,
The world has mocked the Son of God,
Yet Christ is victor now...
The world itself through Him is blessed,
Dear saints, proclaim His worth,
God loves so much, He gave His best,
For all Mankind on Earth...

A billion souls? That's possible...
The prophecy was clear,
When God grants us this miracle,
God's Son may reappear...
With angels preaching far and wide,
Evangelists still strive,
As long as Christ stays here inside,
Let's tell folks, He's alive!

With signs and wonders, faith still flows.
It's like a tidal wave!
And where it stops, God only knows,
So battle on, be brave!
A billion souls await the day
God's freedom pardons sins,
His revelation comes to stay
When Christ becomes their Prince.

Dear saints, let conscience be our light,
Beyond our gifts and tithes,
So that we share with God's insight,
To touch a billion lives...
Perhaps a billion families,
Perhaps a billion friends,
Perhaps a billion prophecies,
For God's love never ends...

Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2013.

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