The Big Bang Poem by Shante Lamping

The Big Bang

sometimes something extreme has to happen in order for you to realize your life could be so much better than you are actually allowing yourself to make it.

lately i've been living like oh who cares you only live once.

well, today is a new day.

In life, everyone goes through a time of hardship.
At one point, everyone wants to give up, to take the easy way out.
It seems like it may be the only option you have.
Scared of what might become, or what might not become.
I believe in myself.
I believe I have the courage to fight through the struggle and overcome.
'knowledge is power'.
I just need to stop and think about the most effective pathway I should take to reach my goals.
I have many dreams.
Whether it's to become rich and famous, to fall in love, or even something like world peace.
My dreams come together from qualities I see in others.
Every dream I have points me in a different direction.
Often I see my mother, pushing through a life of limited money and having just love to offer.
I believe in myself, I can offer the world much more than dollar signs, I am going to offer a good person.
I sit and talk to God sometimes.
I believe that I can live life better than I am.
'knowledge is power'.
Too bad being smart doesn't make you cool.
You only live once, do you go off to college and win the Nobel prize.?
Or do you dropp out of high school, party your life away and have nothing to show but a few friends.
I believe in myself.
I believe I have the strength in my heart to become so much more than anyone ever thought I would.
I can prove all the doubters and all the teachers that they're wrong. I am someone.
Usually in class I sit and think about anything but what the teacher is saying.
But, today is a new day. A revelation.
I believe I still have time to take advantage of a free education and be a better person.
I believe in myself, that I can be a role model for my younger brother.
I know, truly in my heart that I am better that what people see and I want him to see that he can be better too.
All the broken dreams can be remended.
Its not too late to have a pony, it's not too late to make any dream come true.
As Ralph Emerson once said, 'You'll always rise in life to the level of responsibility that you're willing to accept.'
Well, honestly I am ready to grow up and accept what I have to do.
I believe that from now on I can do anything I want, and be who I want.
I want to be a caring, smart, honest, and courageous individual.
And, I believe I am already half way there.
Nothing is promised, so I know I have to wake up and smell the coffee.
I'm growing up, and adulthood is coming up faster than I might be able to handle.
But this time I am willing too look difficulty straight in the eye.
I believe in myself.
So world bring it on. I'm ready.

by shante manik lamping.

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