The Cemetery Poem by AbdelAziz Alhaider

The Cemetery

The cemetery

Abdul Aziz Al Haidar

When the evening is coming
Its shadow is contacting the parked forbidding sidra
Witness to the attend and exile
When the frequent horror comes in every day
Singing and crying....
He is dancing like Zorba, now…. the rain is drowning the memory....
He is feeling the chill
And the love is riding him ... his eyes swell and become two embers
He is remembering that he was a day of old beauty time above the soil

And he was sitting with his family and relative in a roast party
Such a Sidra
Was shading the set of the drinkers …. Men...
And colored neons were needle-working the stories
And women on the other side were celebrating, in their special ways, by preparing meals
Under the shadow of the spring the songs
Were going through
And the pellucid clouds which covered by the white were passing
They were forgetting that the years are passing
and that the cafes are opening their doors to re-run talks
And the bakeries for the mouths
And the poems opening the buds of the love flowers
While the graves open the God's mercy arms for the expatriates
The graves for the terror such as the fields for the rain
The vessels are wearing extasy and dancing in blue sea
While they are slopping to the South
Shock of the last departure
Hammer is hitting the waves
Black guitar
Image of fribble
Virulent Image
I do not recall more than the trash barrel that I am burning it
Near the iron door
Streets folding with the water
and the canal were empty while the frogs leave it
And the turtles also, carrying their dreams and the long years
In such away, the vessels leave the sea of years
Relieving aglet of the fear and rusted
Sales of the desire
Escaping from the from impossible to impossible

Baghdad 2010

AbdelAziz Alhaider

AbdelAziz Alhaider

within the time of the sad creation
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