The Conceited Materialist Poem by Francis Duggan

The Conceited Materialist

When he told me about his expensive new car
He wished me for to say to him how marvellous you are
But his praises I was not about for to sing
Since he boasted too much of a material thing.

His own sense of importance had gone to his head
Well done and good luck to you is all I said
I did not wish for to praise him any more than that
As his ego I felt on him had grown too fat.

Materialism as such does not appeal to me
Far too much of it nowadays we do seem to see
Materialistic people so narrow in their own boring way
Though money speaks every language you hear people say.

One should only give credit where credit is due
And though money speaks every language happens to be true
Money did not save the monarch the monarch did die
And the billionaire is a mortal just like you and I.

Of his brand new mercedes he loudly did boast
Though to him I was not about to drink a toast
I did not wish to add to his sense of conceit
You will find one or two like him on every street.

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