The Deepening Poem by W.F.D. BLCK

The Deepening

Take deep breaths and inhale love reborn.
Times ago in a place a meadowlark could not sing.
Recreate the romance and mend up all that was torn.
Within an unbreakable fortress a Queen reunites with her King.
Those dreams of falling towers are left far behind.
A refreshed phase of adoration is carried on a crane type wing.
Though shaken but not broken are the toughest cords that bind.
The air bubbles of lives connected in a slow motion breeze.
Creatures from the deep emerge, an enamored heart restored.
In the eye of intimacy with dangled fibers aimed to please.
A real life tale of the sorceress and the lord.
Dynamic forces beating the odds and hailing pride.
The souls of who they truly are willed to remain.
On a stallion of passion through enticing nights they ride.
Celebrate, celebrate a union made by amore' and pain.

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