The Flight Of A Bird Poem by Bethany Maxwell

The Flight Of A Bird

Wings stretched, eyes wide
As the nest wobbles side to side
The small bird sits on it's edge
His heart racing as he looks off the ledge

A little lumo in his throat keeps his beak tight
And he swallows and takes in the sight
His small heart pounding, his tallons spread
Thoughts racing through his head

He bounces once, twice, his first try
He lands on his back, back in the nest, and lets out a sigh
He gets back on the edge for another try at flight
He watches, determined to fly before night.

He bounces again and rises into the sky
His eyesclenched closed, he gulps, and hopes he won't die.
A little squeak omes from his beack
He flops his wings with fury and he takes a peak

His eyes now wide with joy with pride,
He flies so gracefully, as a human may stirde
Through the endless daylight
He flies like a small childs kite.

His heart slows as he swoops
And he preforms a loppy- loop
Then he sees the light dim and he swoops like a jet,
As he flies into the sunset.

swarna 24 November 2017

very beautiful, but can have more nicce ending

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Bethany Maxwell

Bethany Maxwell

some where in this universe muhahaha
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