The Garden Poem by D. M. L. Catseye

The Garden

She has a bed of daisies
she waters every day.
She knows when they start blooming
she’ll be far away
The water can she keeps filling,
the daisies are never dry
and their memory of her she is growing
til the day of her goodbye

Setting down the watering can.
It’s come now- way too soon.
Four days left to enjoy
this beauty she has brewed.
No twist of fate can end this need
to leave the place of love,
with all this tender care she’s given,
can she receive no compassion from above?

This morning came a joyous triumph
-the first bud is half bloomed.
Not as much can be said for the siblings
who grow taller –oh what a view.
They love her so and they don’t know
that in a few days she will leave.
BUT understand, when she comes back again,
none of their beauty can she retrieve.

And that is what makes her
so sad and alone
for these flowers she has dutifully cared,
And she won’t be home
when they become full-grown
of their condition on her return she is scared.

D. M. L. Catseye

D. M. L. Catseye

West Chester, Cincinnatti, Ohio
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