The Garden Sonnets For Elizaveta Poem by Daniel Brick

The Garden Sonnets For Elizaveta

It is not a secret garden, although
few people know it. The secrecy lies
in their indifference. Some walk passed it
everyday and never realize next to them,
as they rush by, is a feast of color and scent.
A few may derive a brief eye-pleasure,
even fewer may walk through its
flower-festooned threshold, stare for a moment
of delight and then resume their unchanged lives.
The truth of this garden remains hidden,
except for you and me: we know its special charm,
its enduring presence, its expectant silences...
The charm casts its spell over us; we sense
the presence someone kind and holy within the silence.

The architect of our garden is an Angel
of little renown. No name for him appears
in any of the holy Scriptures. Still like all Angels
he lives in God's sight, so he cannot be
a solitary being. Some day he will be commanded
to soar into the immensity of the sky, cross the arc
of the galaxy and descend to a planet that requires
his vigilance. That will be his glorious future...
Our garden he designed for our destiny.
We sense he sensed our needs when he made
the stand of birch trees, the two lakes and connecting
stream, the corridor of lilac bushes, the field of
sunflowers, the steep hillside from which dandelions
fling their white-winged seeds into the warm air.

Can a memory be made from a future event?
Can Time be bent so that memory can catch
the tail of some future moment and attach it
to the body of its present reckoning? Oh, yes!
Be it so! For in our two minds joined, each to the other,
we remember how we walk through the garden
in all seasons, sheltered within its greenery, greeting
birds, flowers and trees. It will be an experience
of hushed joy, of frail happiness when it transpires.
Our thought is the same throughout the flow of times:
we rejoice in our friendship. That future day is
so clear to me: your dress, your speech, your habit
of pausing to bring the beauty of creation into your soul.
The breeze carries pink petals which settle in your hair.

I am watchful through the night,
hours of solitude so different from
the solitary day. Bright day ignores me
as he pursues his glory across the sky.
Night is my dear companion. She nestles
against me, smiles when I stroke her cheek.
Sometimes she pretends to sleep, so that
I can close my exhausted eyes and sink into
her boundlessness. We will halve a dream...
Oh, as the blue mantle of night lifts and
the first light shines over the garden,
I see you walking slowly along lanes
of roses, resplendent in a white gown.
Song birds lift their voices in gladness.

Roses claim the garden for their own glory.
They are messengers of every season:
Roses out of snowy fields, Roses out of
yellow-green lawns, Roses out of hot sunlight,
Roses out of the rust of Time. Roses row upon row
celebrate their timeless appeal. Such is the lure
of worldly glory in all of its disguises: seductive,
persuasive, misleading. Many are its victims!
I know another path, the Bhakti Path: it summons
the soul to pursue the object of eternal love.
It is the path to Jesus, the Christ, the Messiah,
the Perfect Beauty of the cosmos, the Eternal Truth
of Life. Remember Elijah who ascended into heaven
in a fiery chariot, entering a World of Perpetual Light.

I have lived through thousands of seasons.
I knew the weight of Time, as this planet was
spinning in vast space, a featureless globe,
in the monotony of the everlasting. I was prideful
in those eons! I waited without wonder across millions
of yesteryears. Even my own being was a blank to me.
I did not understand God's slow creation of BEAUTY.
But then he created YOU: your humanity appeared,
and the world received your beauty and itself became
beautiful. I bowed deeply and forever bow to the Creator.
And God commanded we angels bow to your distant ancestor.
But the highest miracle, greater even than your excellence,
is the GARDEN. It is the peak of creation, the very image
of the Creator, the place of wonders, the first stage of heaven.

Already a decision has been made. I hear
a heavy door of bronze or brass shutting. The echo
of its closing is as terminal as a judge's final ruling
on a vexed case; as definitive as the handshake
of two honest merchants; as lasting as the treaty
between factions that have abjured warfare evermore.
A decision has been reached, as if a great journey
has reached its long desired destination, and
the destination itself shines with the joy of being
discovered at last. Nothing hidden wants to remain
occluded from the eyes of men and women gifted
with true vision. Everything surrenders to love.
I hear a rumbling at the edges of ther Garden.
I know it will swell into a Hymn of Glory.

I already breathe a different air, and it nourishes
a part of me just now being born. Is it a New Soul?
No, it is my old soul made new! I no longer take steps
to move forward. I touch the ground with the faintest
pressure... Now I am floating just above the surface
of things, but things themselves are no longer separated.
Everything coheres. There are no more edges, all I
behold is rolled into a spacious globe. I am dissolving
into that awareness of GOD WITHIN the Eucharist brought.
But now, Oh Holy Moment, it is infinitely extended! This is
The World Without End I invoked so often in prayer.
The Door is Wide Open! The Threshold Shines...
Words are no longer necessary, except to say
a fond farewell to you, my dear friend. Oh, follow after me!

So it is that another human life reaches its fulfillment.
It is a circle of life and resurrection and life everlasting.
Do not obsess over death and dying: they are a bridge.
We angels delight in this first moment out of Time
when you are raised to glory, still fully human, but a humanity
exalted by your Ceremony of Transfiguration. Let me pause...
Oh, how I love you, you creatures of the blessed Earth!
You have been forever falling upward through Time and Space,
your ignorance becoming knowledge, your knowledge imbued
with grace becoming one with Eternal Truth, your doubts
dissolving as you realize just one more mortal step
and you will enter immortal being, Dwellers in Heaven,
World Without End, in the presence of the Highest Beauty!
A Hymn of Glory swirls through all of Gardens of Creation!

Friday, May 6, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: religion,vision
Glen Kappy 28 March 2018

hey, daniel! just thinking about the fourth sonnet, the idea you express as night is my dear companion. it's not how i would have put it, naming night that way. i would say solitude instead, enjoying the quiet and knowing the God who is love, who cares, is near. in either image, though, is the common experience of wanting to be enfolded and sheltered for a time—or so it seems to me. -glen

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Liza Sudina 08 May 2016

Dear Daniel! Thank you so much! it is so touchy! the first sonnet made me shed a tear, amd inspired me to write you a poem outright. Tears, tears, tears. Roses, roses, roses. Thousands of seasons, Hidden God and promise. three Times in a row, Envy of an angel. and two souls grow: Souls of Liza-Daniel. May be we'll be others, but the same remaining, we will merge or rather we'll see living faces - Faces of each other, and One Face from which one all three Times are running knowing all but speechless.

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Pamela Sinicrope 07 May 2016

Lovely poems for Liza! I can see the seriousness in all the characters and a great effort on your part to tackle and reinvent the Keats. These poetic forms are a challenge to write within, but I think you've done a great job of showing how a sonnet can advance for the purposes of modern language. The imagery of the garden is beautiful and intriguing and I enjoy the voices of the three different characters: Daniel, Elizaveta, and the Angel...all divine but at the same time imbued with humanity. The poem advances like a story as well as a philosophical vision of the garden, of faith, of life and death/dying. These sonnets contain both the secular and the spiritual. The garden as the first stage of heaven and made in the image of the creator is a joining of the secular and spriritual (a kind of personification/deification?) , showing how the two are both holy. There is something very attractive about a character who possesses absolute faith. I appreciate that you included reference to the Eucharist. Finally, I love the idea of bending time and knowing that you have already been there in the garden together....there are no edges.

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Fabrizio Frosini 06 May 2016

dear Daniel, as I wrote in my email to you, Your composition is a 'trialogue' in 9 sonnets, with two human beings and an Angel.. but I'd say that the real subject is the 'Garden' - not the one in the Genesis, but that 'living garden' that we all have inside.. the sense of 'Beauty' as a 'sacred vision'.. and that gives us sort of eternal perspective - a real deception, but a sweet one.. ;)

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