The Girl Who Walks On Glass Poem by Abby Baird

The Girl Who Walks On Glass

The sun hits the glass and sparkles,
the light is so bright that the little boy could hardly see the girl trying to walk across.
The girl is beautiful in every way,
her body is slender and her hair is blonde.
This is not what makes her beautiful though.
What makes her beautiful is the way she walks across the glass,
she glides with ease,
she is careless.
The little boy has never seen anyone attempt to cross the glass,
and he is surprised.
He yells to her,
warning her that the glass is fragile,
that life is fragile.
She does not look at him,
she must be unable to hear him.
The little boy can not figure out why anyone would want to cross the glass,
she will die.
He knows she will die,
but he can't turn away,
his eyes are trained on her,
he wants to watch her die.
Then with one loud crack the glass shatters,
piercing the little boys ears.
The girl disappears into the wind.
The boy does not cry out to her,
he just watches her die.
He knows now that life is fragile,
and with one crack it can all disappear.

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