The God Who Stood His Grave... Poem by RK

The God Who Stood His Grave...

One Winter, many Springs ago,
The rusted clocks began to chime;
Came wise-men from lone, dusted vales
Dug me out of unearthly slime;
Swaddled in me, I opened eyes -
Shelters were burnt, temples were grimed -
There I was born...
There I was born...
To suck off blasted breast of time...

One petal, many thorns ago,
Carried the scents to greet my name;
From deaf to dumb to blinds to scums,
Forwarded hands to cure their lames;
Peroration of hypocrites
Claimed with me promised aeon came -
I was perceived...
I was deceived...
Believed, to rule with Godly games...

One history, many myths ago,
Unfolded my identity;
On scattered scripts of blinded faith,
Forefathers had divinity;
From solo, trinity to countless,
Was crisis for humanity -
From here to there
To who knows where
Doomed was I for eternity...

One dervish, many priests ago,
Revealed my fortune no one told:
I would trade mortal mouths in need,
For price of platinum and gold;
But then he showed my fated past
With cursed present I still behold -
I was a lamb...
I was a swine...
I was a God with myself sold...

One tempest, many storms ago,
Flashed ruinous rays on mortal slums;
I heard infernal thunder's roar
With thump of hell in heaven's swamp;
Thrown to blizzards, virgins were raped,
While wizards laughed and witches hummed -
Pages were waxed...
Sages were waned...
In ages of horrid sanctum...

One Goddess, many Gods ago,
Taught me of kindness no one gave;
My hapless, bloodied shape she found
And cured my wounds when none could save;
But mine were feet to stray from route
On demons' track dead-angels paved -
I saw my love...
I saw my life...
I saw her tears on heaven's grave...

Then one me, many mine ago,
Found myself standing by my stone;
Ruptured in half by own shadow
To stay the dark of nowhere zone;
Though mine were hands to weigh treasures,
I dug my last of dusts and bones -
And there I died...
And there I died...
And there I died...
With nothing owned...

...One rebirth, many deaths ago,
Brought this me in front of your view;
For you I'd fall, for you I'd rise,
While endless deaths still continue -
Judge me,
Grudge me,
Nudge me,
Budge me,
Fudge me or what you wish to do;
But don't be mourned
I'll be reborn -
Perhaps as me...
Perhaps as you...

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