The Haunting Sorrow Of Parting Poem by East Sea Fairy Xing Yi

The Haunting Sorrow Of Parting

By LIU YongTranslated by East Sea Fairy

The plaintive sorrow of parting his mind is haunted.
Looking at the unbroken expanse of vernal grass,
he bethinks the scent it flaunted,
flaunted roadside when he toured here with his beloved lass.
Thinking of her beloved lad who is going on a long journey, alas,
choked with sobs in her boudoir, she secretly shed tears.
Gone are his wheels. She watches his cart pass.
Senselessly looking into the distance, yet she can only see mountains in tiers
and lonely clouds. Looking far from the tower, she finds that no sign of her dear nears.

Unhappy she is. Oh, how is she grief-hurt!
Grief-stricken since they parted by the pond, she has lived on spleens.
Recalling the place they toured, she remembers that even the grass there envied her skirt.
Hand in hand, they slowly strolled among the flowers, the willows, and the greens.
Now her looks lost though, she cherishes her love as she did in her teens.
She wants to play to her heart's content with cheers.
She wants to tour once again all over the fields of green scenes
and to give her ears
to be on a drunk to live up to the precious green years.

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