The Healing River Poem by Justin Reamer

The Healing River

The waters rush down
The river way
As it continues to flow,
And it swishes
And splashes
As it continues to flow.
It is a wonderful thing,
This river,
As it flows,
Animal life resides
In it,
And it continues to flow.

It is a stream
Of energy
That is flowing
The water
For consciousness
Is present here
And one can feel it
Swishing along.

The stream

And swishes
With energy,
With some sort of magic,
It makes everything count.
If someone is happy,
This river will make someone even happier,
And if someone is joyful,
Then more joy will come.

They call it
The Healing River
The river of good health
For people
Get healed when
They touch the water
That was blessed
By the Lord Himself.

Madness can come
From a person’s soul

And the rapids
Can swallow
That person

Straight hole,

For it is so


It begins to break fall,

But then,

The person touches
The water,
And calmness
Comes again
To the person’s mind and soul.

If one has a cut

He or she
Can place the arm in the water
And watch it get healed,
Because the blessed water,
Sacred in all,
Will seal the cut,
From any further harm.

If a person is downtrodden,
Or ridden with pain or guilt in their hearts,
They can strip off their clothes,
And go for a swim,
Then the presence of Providence
The Holy Spirit, that is,
Will touch the person’s soul,
And give him or her a renewed spirit,
Bringing joy to their lives.

The Healing River
Is all around us,
And it is calm,
As shown through Baptism,
And through all the sacraments,
Gives healing to all,
Because it was blessed by God,
And calmly flows,
One will never get
Lost in the rapids,
But will be welcomed into the stream
Of the love that flows from the Lord.

Justin Reamer

Justin Reamer

Holland, Michigan
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