The Innocent Lamb(A Tribute To God Friday) Poem by Shanika marini Paul

The Innocent Lamb(A Tribute To God Friday)

The Innocent Lamb

My conqueror, King My Savior of sin
Neel do I before thy shrine,
Seeing blood gasp from thy cry

For mercy and forgiveness of mortal sin,
That man brought upon brought his own sin
Oh lamb of God thou paid the price
When thou could have denied with a ik o an eye.

Thy blood poured and washed my sins
Yet lord man still ponders to win
Nai! They know not the torture that tares
God’s heart when sin engulfs the air.

Oh Lord my God forgive us further
For all men aren't evil,
They thrive in huger
For food, love, equal fate
For thou did breathe the same breath.
Thou did not pick caste or creed;
Wealth and poverty who made these?

Man hath forgotten oh mighty king;
That we all must die and face our deed
On summoning day, Who would I choose
But good deeds done and my conscious pools

Fooled are these souls of rituals fins
Monotonous in church yet! Why then sin
One must but blame thy self not the preacher
For unpracticed virtues and sins relator.

Poet Shanika Paul
U/graduate BA English(OUSL) , ADIE(UK) , ACIE(OUSL) , DIP; AMI/PSY(CAMBRIDGE) Trained Teacher(IMSD)

Written on Good Friday 4th April 2015 for the blood of my lord saved my soul)

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