The Kena Upanishad Poem by Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar

The Kena Upanishad

"Brahman is the eternal reality
Behind all our sensory experience
And mental processes." The Kena tells.
He is responsible for their actions,
Yet He is detached from them. He is
Beyond the senses and the mind to know.
No one has complete knowledge of Brahman.
Those who think so do not know Him at all.
Those who are humble enough to acknowledge
That they do not know Him, perhaps know Him.
We may know Brahman symbolically
Or relatively, but not absolutely.

Brahman can be known comprehensively.
Through one's consciousness and inner experience,
One can realize Brahman, we can say.
Gods were made to understand by Brahman
That He was behind their individual prowess
In their victories over demons and humbled.
Indra, Vayu and Agni were powerful Gods.
Vedic Gods are inferior to Brahman.
Supremacy of Brahman thus is established.
Through Uma, the mother Goddess, is told
The true greatness and the glory of Brahman.
Kena Upanishad well acknowledges
Siva as the supreme Brahman and Uma
Haimavathi as the Mother Goddess.

Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar

Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar

Aravayal, karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, South India
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