The Last Leaf Of Autumn Poem by linda martens

The Last Leaf Of Autumn

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Autumn is over and winter approaches
The leaves are dying and falling
Onto the ground and then beneath the earth
To begin a rebirth for the new year

Autumn is the time of year I fell in love
He was my friend, my lover, my life
We used to walk in the sunshine and rain
Enveloped in his arms I could stay forever

My hand he would hold almost too tight
He too was happy and afraid all the same
For was our love enough to endure
My time on earth was almost spent

We married one late November day
The skies were full of snow to fall
We gently said our I dos and became man and wife
And then it was time for me to go

We said our goodbyes and held each other tight
He was afraid to let me go one last time
I held his face and memorized all I could
To carry on my next journey beyond

Winter is over and spring approaches
The leaves are budding and turning green
When he looks up to the sky and misses me
One beautiful autumn leaf falls gently to his feet

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