The Love Of My Life Poem by dani fries

The Love Of My Life

i dont know how to tell her
so i will just come out and say it
that she is the love of my life
that i could not live with out her
i would do anything for her
and even though i know all this
there is still on thing that stands in the way
TIME-the ultimate challenge
the worst thing to face
the thing people tell you to use wisely
and yet US the younger generation just want it gone
want to skip a few years or even more
that way we can get the part of our life
that we dont like out of the way
and move to the part we really want to know about
but even after that there is still on thing
how am i going to ask her...
that one big question many people dont think is a big deal
how and where where and how
why does life have to be so hard
as long as the harder it is the more rewarding it is then it is perfect
because i would go through hell and back for this person
just so i could have them in my life
for the rest of my life
so i can say she is mine and i am her's

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