The Making Of A Poet Poem by Bijay Kant Dubey

The Making Of A Poet

The making of a poet, how did he come to start writing poems,
Start writing poems in English,
The making of a poet,
I want to take it up,
How did he come to be a poet?

The making of a poet, I want to deal with and deliberate upon,
Be he a singer of heart or a painter of words,
A photographer or an imagist,
A linguist or a modernist,
A stylist or a breaker.

In the past, the bards used to just praise and sing of,
Mainly the saints used to be singers,
The saintly-divine wandering fakirs,
The saints as the writers of sublime and devotional poems,
The sadhakas as the feelers of the Light Divine
With mystical flashes.

But everyone cannot clear the throat, as tuning comes through
Practice and perfection,
And all cannot be singers,
Something is sung as for melodious hearing
And something for to read and enjoy.

There are several aspects which help in becoming a poet
And are essential in the making of a poet,
How much sensitive and sentimental one is,
How much sensitive is he,
Has he suffered, struggled and served selflessly,
How passionate, emotional and full of feelings is he?

Poverty and philosophy are essential as these help in the making of a poet
And without which one may not,
As suffering is essential for to be purged out,
As the protagonist has to struggle
And to serve selflessly.

The progression of a poet is just like the pilgrim’s progress
As the pilgrim on a pilgrimage,
Going an up-hill journey,
Chanting and going bare-footed,
Whispering, whispering it,
How far the way?

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